Thursday, July 14, 2011

Love and Hate

What I'm loving right now:

Morning hair. 
I don't normally get to see this, during the school year I am gone to work before she wakes up.

Runner's World SmartCoach App

My Nike flip-flops. 
I wear these things everywhere. So comfy.

Good for my sweet cravings.

Growing my own veggies. I
Although, I'm a little impatient for the results.

What I'm hating right now:

Thanks for the price increase. 
Now that I know they are doing it to get more people to move to digital only (streaming), I get it.
But sheesh, you had a good thing going!

Jillian Michaels. 
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Satan sent her. 

My jogging stroller. 
Arnold Swarchenegger must have invented these because you'd have to be that strong to run with one, seriously! The one in the picture is much nicer than the one I have. My little one only weighs 32 lbs. but the front wheel does not rotate so when you turn I have to push down on the handle and turn the stroller in the right direction. I'm selling that sucker ASAP!

What are you loving or hating right now?


  1. I'm hating Netflix right now too!! I loved having both streaming and DVDs, but now it seems crazy to pay that price.

  2. I'm LOVING that I get to leave for a little vacation tomorrow (6 days off work!!!) I'm hatiing that I have 3 hours of work left today to get to that point. :)
