Friday, June 10, 2011

There May Have Been Ice Cream...

It has been HOT! There's no other way to put it...90+ degree heat, humidity and the lack of rain have made for a miserable week. Today I decided take my little one to a "splash play area" at one of our local parks. Our city has such a great park system, and the sprinkler area at this particular park is really nice. This park is a big running/walking/biking park because of it's hills and scenic trails. I admire the people who were running, walking and biking on a day like today. By the time we left the park, my car's temperature gauge said 99 degrees. I'm sure it really wasn't that hot, but in the direct sun, it sure felt like it!

That being said, I am a wimp when it comes to extreme temperatures and running. Since I bought a treadmill last year, I have avoided going outside to run in really cold and really hot temps like I'm some kind of recluse. I have been spoiled by my temperature controlled basement, with a T.V., speakers for my iPod and a fan blowing on me as I pretend to run.

And the heat has not helped our garden out at all. This is apparently what happens to lettuce plants when it's too hot or too wet (like it was last month). They become freakishly tall and skinny. Oh, well, I really didn't want to eat any salad anyway...

As for exercise today, I ran this morning, on the treadmill (of course), 2 miles. Then tonight I did CardioMax with Bob (the trainer from The Biggest Loser). He kicked my butt, as always. I can barely walk now. Guess I won't be doing that long run until never Sunday (wink, wink). I did the double workout today because at some point there may have been ice cream. I'm not saying from where or what kind, but knowing I spent hours outside in 90 degree weather, you can't hate on me.  And anyway, lunch was very, very conservative.

couscous, carrots and veggie pasta with chicken
This is a small plate, I promise.

My lunch choices were almost as good as my dinner choices. Dinner was a turkey wrap with hummus, lettuce, tomato, Dijon mustard and crumbled blue cheese. Yum. Much better than ice cream...                                        

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